Manipulate SQL Query programmatically
I want to enable end users of my application to use variables in their SQL
Queries. Which are replaced programmatically, each time before the
is opened by values from a selction of my program.
Background is:
Users have a list of shops, where they can select multiple (Within main
Users can select 2 dates. (Within main application)
I want to use ReportTemplate files to display only the data, the users have
in my main application without the need for the user to edit a report or a
Therefore I want to create DadeViews which look like "select * from foo
where (shop = '%S')"
Now programmatically the %S should be changed to i.e. "1".
What I tried is that:
procedure TForm1.ppReport1BeforeOpenDataPipelines(Sender: TObject);
i : Integer;
lSQLBuilder : TdaSQLBuilder;
myList := TList.Create;
for i := 0 to mylist.Count-1 do
lSQLBuilder := TdaSQLBuilder.Create(TppDBPipeline(mylist.Items[i]).sql);
lSQLBuilder.SQL.MagicSQLText.Add('select * from foo');
It doesn't work. The SQL is not changed. What do i wrong ? Has anyone a
better idea for my
problem, maybe it is possible to use a QueryTemplate instead ? I am still
searching for someone
who want to consult me a little with all that questions and sends me
invoices :-)
This discussion has been closed.
use SQLBuilder to add some filters instead. How would this look like
in my example below ? Currently I cannot apply my programmatical
changes to the data view.
For future reference please post questions to a single destination - either
the newsgroups or
From your description, I understand that the main application will have some
global parameters:
1. List of Shops
2. Pair of Dates
Are these application wide? Or do you want the user to specify them for each
For the reports, are you defining all of the queries, or is the end-user
going to have the ability to create completely new queries?
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
The user specifies them after program start and then selects a report
template he wants
to use with this data. The idea is that the user not necessarily has to work
with sql
queries and that we ship some standard reports which will work for all
users. If a user
wants to go deeper he can build his own reports. The main problem is that
the variations
of shops and dates will always change, everything else stays equal.
Some time a user might want to compare 2 shops & a date range with each
Then he might want to get a list with all shops or a list with a special
shop group etc tec
The end user will have the ability to create completely new queries.
Especially because
it might happen that he wants to connect completely new data sources.
Therefore I thought it would be great if I could pass the shop & date
selection from my
application directly to the individual SQL query by some kind of variable /
Here is a downloadable example that I put together. It shows how to use
ReportBuilder's AutoSearchFields to do what you describe. I used the Query
Designer to add search criteria that are designated as AutoSearch. I used
the Report.Template.OnLoadEnd event to initialize the search paramters with
the application param values.
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Close the project, delete the .res and then re-open the project - Delphi
will recreate the .res. I used D2007 to create the example.
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
[Error] Unit1.pas(63): PROCEDURE or FUNCTION expected
[Error] Unit1.pas(66): ',' or ':' expected but 'CLASS' found
[Error] Unit1.pas(70): ',' or ':' expected but '=' found
[Error] Unit1.pas(97): Undeclared identifier: 'SetCompany'
[Error] Unit1.pas(112): Undeclared identifier: 'SetCompany'
[Error] Unit1.pas(143): Identifier redeclared: 'TmyReportManager'
[Error] Unit1.pas(149): Undeclared identifier: 'aReport'
[Error] Unit1.pas(152): 'DO' expected but identifier 'AutoSearchFieldCount'
[Error] Unit1.pas(157): Identifier redeclared: 'TmyReportManager'
[Error] Unit1.pas(160): Undeclared identifier: 'aAutoSearchField'
[Error] Unit1.pas(160): 'THEN' expected but identifier 'FieldAlias' found
[Error] Unit1.pas(174): Undeclared identifier: 'Result'
[Error] Unit1.pas(177): Statement expected but 'CLASS' found
[Error] Unit1.pas(177): Undeclared identifier: 'SetCompany'
[Error] Unit1.pas(179): Undeclared identifier: 'aCompany'
[Error] Unit1.pas(66): Unsatisfied forward or external declaration:
[Error] Unit1.pas(67): Unsatisfied forward or external declaration:
[Hint] Unit1.pas(72): Private symbol 'PrepareSearchField' declared but never
[Error] Unit1.pas(74): Unsatisfied forward or external declaration:
[Fatal Error] Project5.dpr(5): Could not compile used unit 'Unit1.pas'
testing here.
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors