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Compiling Rap component on non Rap RB version

edited September 2002 in RAP

I wan't to distribute a component that has Rap functionnalities but it
won't compile because the "raFunc" file is not found. Is there a $IFDEF
I can use that indicates wheiter or not th RB version is "Rap enabled"?


Daniel Lemire
Conception Design Ware Inc.
Tél.: 819-868-8853
Fax : 819-868-8855


  • edited September 2002
    Did you change the source to RB? If so, you will no longer be able to
    compile apps which contain RAP.


    Tom Ollar
    Digital Metaphors Corporation
  • edited September 2002
    I create components for programing business . Not all my client have RB
    enterprise. Some of then only have RB professionnal. I have a component
    with Rap that I created for one of my client that have RB enterprise and I
    also sold it to another client that doens't have RB enterprise. So I
    basically want to use the same source code but it can be build in
    different versions of RB.

    I tried to look for defines that could be conditionnal like:

    {$IFDEF RBENT} , rafunc {$ENDIF} ;

    This would make the compiler add the Rap functions only if the type of RB
    is enterprise thus giving the possibility to use the same code on many RB

    Daniel Lemire
    Conception Design Ware Inc.
    Tél.: 819-868-8853
    Fax : 819-868-8855
  • edited September 2002
    {$DEFINE Enterprise}
    {$DEFINE Pro}

    These are already in ppIfDef.pas...


    Tom Ollar
    Digital Metaphors Corporation
  • edited September 2002
    Thanks for your help!

    Daniel Lemire
    Conception Design Ware Inc.
    Tél.: 819-868-8853
    Fax : 819-868-8855
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