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showing the effect of 'spawned report' and 'in-line' effect on drill-down event

edited December 2002 in RAP
is there a way to show the 'spawned-report' and 'inline' effect on
drill-down event using the rap script? i need to know whether it could be
achieve by end-user when they got the opportunity to design their own


  • edited December 2002
    The drill down is the easiest way to go. It is natively supported by the
    DrillDown boolean property the end user can check on teh subreport.

    The spawned drill down subreports and other tips are going to be coded in
    Delphi or RAP pass through functions. See the drill down demos in the main
    reports demo project. You'll have to adapt any code not supported in RAP to
    RAP pass through functions. There are examples of creating RAP pass through
    functions in the RAP.hlp file and RAP demos/tutorials of the installation.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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