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Object Inspector In Rap

edited January 2003 in RAP

I would like to add an object inspector to my rap editor. Before
I take the time to do this I was wondering if this was on a list
of future features.


Joseph Gordon


  • edited January 2003
    It isn't on the ToDo list to be implemented in the near future. I can see
    that would be more useful in the Designer, to edit properties and create or
    jump to a RAP event handler from the Design tab for any published event of
    an object in the report. Currently in RAP, there is the Code Toolbox, which
    shows the available methods and properties in the objects view of the
    toolbox. Perhaps, if you show both properties and events in the report
    designer OI, clicking an event in the RB OI it would jump to RAP, create an
    event handler for that event. You would still then want to use the Code
    Toolbox to drag the field to the code editor so you don't have to type so

    To implement the object inspector, you'll need to use RTTI as well as RB's
    proprietary RTTI classes declared for the report component library.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited January 2003

    I understand that you don't provide source code for the RAP part
    of rbuilder (a situation that makes me really nevous, especially in
    light of the turbopower sudden demise) but it would be nice if you
    provided source for some of the user interfaces that are on the Code
    tab. This would allow you to keep the compiler but allow others to
    customize the user interface more easily.

    I have been able to add some events to the popup menu on the
    designer screen. This has been a big help. I am hoping to go a
    bit further by putting in an OI.

    Joseph Gordon

  • edited January 2003
    > it would be nice if you

    Thanks for the suggestion.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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