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CrossTab Rap Script

edited March 2003 in RAP
Currently i had create a report consist of 4 subreport ( in the detail
band ), each subreport is having the crosstab report ( in summary band ).
In the viewer, i saw 4 crosstab report then my problems come:
1. i see the different length of each crosstab report
2. yet i also want to change the title on row and column ,
how could i achieve above customization throught RAP script ?
or is there any other easier way?
i just want it to be looks merely like one crosstab report rather than 4
crosstab report .....


  • edited March 2003
    1. The crosstab has its own data traversal engine. This means that you do
    not want to connect the report that it is located in to the same
    datapipeline as the crosstab.

    2. Please take a look at the crosstab demo in the installation. Demo # 127
    shows how to customize each cell text in the crosstab. You should be able to
    do this from RAP.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited March 2003
    1. yup i dont want to connect the report that it is located in to the same
    datapipeline as the crosstab. the problem is when i do so all the crosstab
    in different width that makes the 1 report seem like containing 4 different
    report rather than there are actually presented in term of 'one report'
    anyway to make them in same width ?

    2. i tried the sample on the rap script:

    if aDimension.FieldAlias = 'Ab Period' then

    aName := 'Period'

    but how abt the OnGetDimensionValue?
    I need to change the cell value such as changing the value 0, 1, 11 to
    'Opening', 'Jan', 'Nov' for the value starting on row2 column 2 onwards ...
    eg. row2 col2 , row2 col3, row2 col4 ?

    3. How to remove the tabular line on crosstab report ? i dun want all the
    outline layout for the crosstab report as it make people confuse.


  • edited March 2003
    1. The crosstab renderer class generates the crosstab based on the matrix
    that the crosstab engine creates. What you'llhave to do is create your own
    crosstab renderer to control how the matrix is printed. Create a copy of
    ppCTRend.pas, rename your copy and register you new crosstab renderer class.

    2. The crosstab demo #127 should show how to change the text in every cell
    of the crosstab. Can you provide a more specific demo so I understand what
    isn't working for you? Feel free to send a modified template/form from our
    crosstab demo to support@digital-metaphors.com


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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