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Dynamic Height for FooterBand

edited March 2003 in RAP
The PassSetting property on my report is on psTwoPass.
I need to affect the Visible and Heignt property dynamicly in RAP. I try
this in Diffenrents Event (OnEndFirstPass...). But the probl?me is that the
FooterBand hide the bottom on the DetailBand and some data are disappeared !

I can't change PrintHeight property on FooterBand on phDynamic.

Is-there solution ?



  • edited March 2003
    Sorry, I have forgotten a d?tail : When I affect the Visible and Height
    property to the FooterBand, I must Know the total Number pages.

    If I place my code in Report.BeforePrint event, the total number page isn't
    If I place my code in report.OnEndFirstPass, the bottom on the DetailBand
    and some data are disappeared.

  • edited March 2003
    If you want to change the height of the footer while the repor tis
    generating, then best event to use is the Report.OnStartPage event.

    The footer cannot be dynamic height.

    The end of the first pass is the earliest time you'll be able to know the
    total page count. If your event handler code needs to know this for a
    calculation, then in your code check if Report.SecondPass then

    If you do this and it doesn't work, then send a simple example to
    support@digital-metaphors.com and we'll look into a solution.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited April 2003
    For my understanding:
    if i get the absolute pagenumber from the first pass, and then i set the
    height of the footer, it might be possible, that i get more pages, is this

    what i often need is a possibility to change footer layout (and height)
    depending on the page.

    There a always 3 situations
    [1] FIRST-Page
    [2..n-1] PAGEBETWEEN
    [n] LAST-Page

    The best would be to have three footes and three pagestyls and three
    headers, to handle those situations without scrtipts.


  • edited April 2003
    Yes, you may get more pages. So, detect the first page is easy. Then on all
    the others, print the middle footer. Set the footer to not print on the last
    page using its PrintOnLastPage property. Then use a summary and and shift it
    to the bottom using the PrintPosition property, since the "summary-footer"
    is static height.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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