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String Size / Memo field limits

edited July 2003 in RAP

I have run into a snag with the memo and string variables in several
reports. I could not figure it out in the first report but I have
reproduce the issue in a smaller report. Here's a sample of the code.

TempString : String;
OpeningSize.Text := PscheduletagPL['Tagwidth'] + ' x ' +
if OpeningSize.Text = ' x ' then
OpeningSize.Text := '';
{1.} if Pos('EXT', UpperCase(PscheduletagPL['Taglocation'])) > 0 then
DoorExterior.Text := 'X'
DoorExterior.Text := '';
TempString := '';
{2.} TempString := PscheduletagPL['Dooradds'];
if Pos('ASTR', UpperCase(TempString)) > 0 then
DoorAstragal.Caption := 'X'
DoorAstragal.Caption := '';

The PscheduletagPL['Taglocation'] is a 1000 varchar field in the interbase
database. Report builder interpets the field as a memo 1000. There is two
different places that the code will blow up.

1. if Pos('EXT', UpperCase(PscheduletagPL['Taglocation'])) > 0 then
2. TempString := PscheduletagPL['Dooradds'];

The error is: "Can not generate report. Can not run program:
DetailBeforeReport". I have tried several different ways to accoomplish
this task but it seems that I am stuck on this issue. Is there a fix or
work around?


  • edited July 2003
    Please forgive me. We are using lotus notes for our newgroups browser and
    it is a LITTLE different than the conventional MS products.
    My name is Tim and any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Kind regards,
  • edited July 2003

    I have noticed that the always blows up on the end of the second pass. If
    I set the "PassSetting" to one pass, the report will run but if I go to
    the end of the report and try to go back a page, I receive the same error.
    I have also tried putting a ppDBMemo box on the report, make it so it is
    not visible, and then try to do any of the string functions on the
    ppDBMemo.text and I still receive the same error. It seems that I have a
    problem with the Memo 1000 field. Does anyone have a clue as to why this
    is happening. I would be happy to send an example!

    RB 6.03

    Kind Regards,
    Tim Armstrong
  • edited July 2003
    Can you recreate the problem using a Delphi event handler instead of RAP?
    Please send an example that shows the problem and we'll take a look at it.
    Send all attachments to support@digital-metaphors.com


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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