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Prevent StylePage from printing on title page only

edited August 2003 in RAP

I have a Title band which prints on its own page. I do not want the
StylePage details to print on this page but to print on subsequent detail
pages. No matter what I try, the style page prints on the title page. I
have tried setting Visible of StylePage to false on the beforeprint of
TitlePage and back on after print to no avail. Any ideas on what might




  • edited August 2003
    An easier way would be to use the Report.OnStartPage event to see if you are
    on Page # 1. Check Report.AbsolutePageNo. Set the visibility of the page
    style band in this event.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2003
    Ok continuing on from that, it worked fine, however because I can't
    guarantee that the titlepage will only traverse one page, is there a way to
    identify that at the start of the page, the titlepage is still printing ie
    the subreport has not finished printing.



  • edited August 2003

    Try checking TitleBand.Overflow.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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