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Simple Counter

edited August 2003 in RAP

In RAP I have a line number counter and a small calculation on the "on
print" value for a label set in the detail band.

The report produced 26+ pages. On the last page is an averaging calculation
i.e. sum of each individual calc divided by the nu.mber of records

The counter and calculation work OK in RAP if I display each page in turn.
If I skip pages, ie from 2 to 19 then the counter simply ignores the records
on pages 3 to 18 and hence reports the wrong line number against the record
and the calculation is hence incorrect.

How do I get RB to process at all the records in turn and hence give me the
correct total value and line number?

Regards + Thanks in advance

Philip L Jackson



  • edited August 2003
    Hi Philip,

    The OnPrint will fire multiple times, because bands will get a achance to
    generate and it the band can't fit, then it must generate on the next page.
    Settings such as dynamic height bands with KeepTogether in use will cause

    The key is to use a TppVariable and code its OnCalc event handler. Be sure
    to set the variable's DataType to double or integer as it defaults to


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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