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More then 1 page for a gantt-chart

edited September 2003 in RAP
having a gantt-chart with more bars then fitting on one page.
What could I do to spread my gantt-chart across several pages using RAP
(ReportBuilder V7.01)?

In TeeChart (V 5.02) there is a MaxPointsPerPage-property.
I should generate as much report-pages as needed and generate new chart
pages for each report-page.
How can I do this in RAP? I cann't adress the report-component in RAP, do I?

Thank you for your help,
Josef Gschwendtner


  • edited September 2003
    Hi Josef,

    Think of the chart in RB as a static height control. In order to generate
    the chart across pages, you'll have to generate the chart outside of RB and
    then load the resulting images into RB using TppImage controls. Search in
    the newsgroups for Ed Dressel's posts on this topic. He has outlined how to
    do this in the past and has worked well for others. Try google search or


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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