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Problems with automatic renaming of variable

edited July 2004 in RAP

I have the follwing problem:

In some reports the name of a new variable is set
to a new of a still existing variable. When I code
some RAP-Statement concerning this variable (e. g.
OnCalc event) and I save the report afterwards, then
the code is assigned to the original variable. This
is obvious afer reopeing the report. The new variable
has now another name.

Any ideas?


Andre' Brunner


  • edited July 2004

    Have not heard of this issue before. Please either create a simple example
    and send in zip format or specify exact steps to recreate the issue. Send to

    In ReportBuilder call of the components have a UserName property that is
    used as the run-time name of the component. The UserName must be unique
    within the report. The UserName is displayed in the Report Tree tool window
    that is available from the Design workspace. You assign meaning UserName
    values to Variables and other report components by editing the node in the
    Report Tree. The UserName is also displayed in the Calc tab's Events view.

    As a work around you might try assigning meaningful names to the TppVariable


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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