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How to open rtm file during running time

edited February 2005 in RAP
Hello! I am a new user with RBuilder 7.0.
I can open and save for making template rtm file after double click
ppReport. My Client want to modify these rtm file and loading their
modifying file After Apllication runing. But I could not find any method or
property or button for load *.rtm file for ReportBuilder durning running
AnyBody can tell me how to do or tell me where to gets Demo progrm.



  • edited February 2005

    ReportBuilder Pro, Enterprise, and Server editions come with a runtime
    end-user designer and reporting solution. See the demos located in the
    \RBuilder\Demos\3. EndUser\... directory. Also there are numerous examples
    located in the ReportBuilder Developer's guide (\RBuilder\Developer's

    It its simplest state, the end user designer can be utilized by placing a
    TppReport and TppDesigner object on a form and defining the
    TppDesigner.Report property. Then by calling the TppDesigner.Show method,
    you will have run time access to the report designer.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2005
    Thanks Nico!

    Yes, It works after I click button for ppDesigner.Show. One more question is
    May I only show Preiview at first.
    And Report template shows manually by pressing some shortcut key.
    Now it is show automaticaly.


  • edited February 2005
    Hi abcat,

    I'm a bit unclear about what you would like to do. Would you like to open
    the end user designer to the Preview tab automatically? If so, you can use
    the NoteBook property of the designer to gain control of these tabs.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2005
    Thanks very much!

    I try to find out from Help for useing NoteBook, But there is a few
    paragraph about it.
    Where I could get more detail about this property?

  • edited February 2005
    Hi abcat,

    The Notebook property is the VCL object TPageControl. See the Delphi help
    topic for the TPageControl for information on how to use this object.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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