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Adding new lines with CR/LF

edited April 2005 in RAP
We use RB for building data files for all sorts of puposes.
Often we need to add padding lines. I haven't been able to get CRLF to
work consitently.

Our files are fixed lenght text files. So as an example, suppose the
a field within the Detail band tries to add a couple of padding lines as in:

procedure variable3oncalc(var value: variant);
i: integer;
for i:=1 to 5 do
value:= value+ chr(10)+chr(13)+'9999999999999';

The above does not seem to kick ANY new lines when printed to file.
However a simple,

value:= chr(10)+chr(13)+'9999999999999';

does work - kicking a new line and putting nines on that line.

What am I missing ?



ps: allthough LF, then CR, seems non-standard it is the only combo
I found that would kick at all...


  • edited April 2005

    Sometimes RAP has issues parsing nested expressions. The work around is to
    use some intermediate variables (either local or global).

    I tried the following test and it worked in my testing.

    1. Declare two RAP global variables:

    CR: char;
    LF: char;

    2. In the Global OnCreate event, initialize them

    CR := chr(13);
    LF := chr(10);

    3. And then use the Report OnSaveText event

    Text := Text + CR + LF;

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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