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Changing parameter in RAP

edited November 2005 in RAP

Using RB 6.03 Delphi 5
I have a report with 2 queries. The one query (Query A) has an
autosearch parameter (Parameter A), the other also has a parameter (not
autosearch) (Parameter B).

What I need to do is
1. Open report, user fills in value for Parameter A
2. Run query A. (Query B also execute but doesn't return any values
because of the default value of the parameter - It would be better
(faster) if I can prevent Query B from executing initially, but don't
know how)
3. Get a value from query A, perform certain calculations on this
value (using a pass-through function),
4. Use the result of the pass-through function as the value of
Parameter B
5. Rerun Query B
6. Preview/Print the report

My problem is:
When (what event) to use - when is Query A (and B) completed
How do I get Query B to requery with the new parameter



  • edited November 2005

    Try using the Report.OnGetAutoSearchValues event. It fires after the user
    has entered the autosearch value and before the datapipelines have been

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited November 2005
    Thanks, but I need an event that runs before the report display but
    after the datapipeline has been opened, as I need to use a result from
    the one pipeline to populate the parameter of the second pipeline, and
    then requery the second pipeline.

  • edited November 2005

    My thought was that you could use the OnGetAutoSearchValues event to open
    the first pipeline:

    myPipelineA.Open; // open first pipeline

    { add more code here..}

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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