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Setting TextFileName with info from datapipeline

edited June 2008 in RAP

I have a report that is saved as pdf. I would like to generate the filename
for this pdf, but the problem is that info to generate the filename is
coming from the datapipeline. For example an invoice number or the name of a
Is there an event late enough to get access to the datapipeline but early
enough to set the filename for the generated output file? I tried
AfterOpenDataPipelines() but setting Report.TextFileName seems to be

Using RB10.07, D7.

Jeroen R?ttink


  • edited June 2008
    Hi Jeroen,

    It looks as though the pipelines are opened too late to set the file name
    using the TextFileName property.

    One option would be to access the Report.FileDevice.FileName property
    directly using a passthru function. Another would be to access the dataset
    before the report has created the file device and assign the TextFileName


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2008
    Hi Nico,

    Just to let you and others know:

    I added a passthru and called it from ReportAfterOpenDataPipelines()
    but this event seems to fire too late. Using the debugger I see the file is
    created at that time.
    I now stick with letting the user pick a name.


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