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edited June 2008 in RAP
I am following your (Nico) advice and using TdaSQLBuilder to change the
WHERE clause.

I want to add several lines that include a parenthesis, So I go to the end
of the list and .Remove(index) them. This works except it does not remove
the parens. How do I remove the parens?

I can't clear because the user might have added some of their own to the
where clause.



  • edited June 2008
    Hi Rob,

    Parenthesis are TdaCriteria objects in the Items list as well. You can loop
    through the Items list and check the TdaCriteria.CriteriaType property to be
    sure you are about to remove the correct index. Then using the
    Remove(index) routine you should be able to remove any parenthesis.
    Remember that you will need to remove the starting and ending paren to have
    a valid SQL statement.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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