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Printing to receipt printer

edited January 2009 in RAP
Using D7 and RB 10.09.

I am trying to print to an iThaca iTherm 280 receipt printer and I am
having an issue with page length. I have followed all of the
instructions in the "Printing to Continuous Paper" article and am still
having problems. The receipt prints fine, but there is a lot of blank
space at the end. Is there a way (in RAP) to get the receipt's height
before printing and then stop the printing when that is reached?



  • edited January 2009
    Hi Nick,

    We have many customers using thermal receipt printers successfully with the
    techniques given in the Continuous Paper article. Take a look at the
    printer settings to be sure the extra space is not caused by the printer
    itself. What is your paper size set to? Perhaps try alterting this value
    and see if you can get better results.

    The current print position can be obtained using the Engine.PrintPosRect
    property however this in not available in RAP. My first thought would be to
    create a two pass report and using the PrintPosRect property to determine
    the report's height as the summary band prints. As passthru function would
    need to be made to access the property.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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