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'Error reading template from database'

edited April 2009 in RAP
I am working on the Color-Coding Components tutorial in the RAP tutorials.

When I double-click on the 'Customer List' item in Report Explorer I get the
error "Error reading template from database." I am using ReportBuilder
11.04 Enterprise Edition with Delphi 2009. I did have ReportBuilder 11.03
installed but uninstalled it and installed 11.04. Is it possible that the
format of the 'Customer List' template in the euDatabase needs to updated to
the 11.04 format? If so how do I do that with a template that is in a
database? If the format didn't change, what is causing this problem?

Thank you!



  • edited April 2009
    Hi Gary,

    ReportBuilder updates previous templates when they are loaded so this should
    be the problem (and in my testing, I am able to load all templates). Are
    you able to load any other templates from the Report Explorer demo? Are you
    certain this demo functioned correctly in 11.03?

    Are you now using a full registered copy of Delphi 2009?


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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