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RAP Library...

edited January 2016 in RAP
Hi Guys,
Have been away from RB for a lllooonnnggg time.. Reinstalling
I seem to recall Ohh soo Loonnngg ago that somebody put out a small
extension library for the RAP with some handy functions.
Anybody recall this? Is it still around?



  • edited January 2016
    Hi Ian,

    We are not aware of a RAP library that includes functionality beyond
    what is already provided.

    The RAP demos do show how to add some useful function calls.

    If you have any requests for functionality that you would like added to
    RAP, please let us know and we will consider adding it to the product
    for a later release.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2016
    HI Nico,

    It was a lloooonnngggg time ago when I/we first started with RB.

    Anyway, a couple of functions come to mind.

    PadLeft & PadRight.
    Space(x) - Insert x number spaces.
    DateDiff - Difference of two dates with result specifiable in years,
    months, weeks or days.

    Thanks for your suppoprt. Much appreciated.


  • edited January 2016
    Hi Ian,

    One of the most powerful features of RAP is simple extensibility with custom
    functions and RTTI.


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.