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To Nard - AutoSearchField in RB Server

edited September 2002 in Server
Hi, Nard


  • edited September 2002

    1. ClientReport

    See article below.

    2. WebTier

    We'll be putting together some demos to address this in the near future
    and will announce on this newsgroup at that time.

    ClentReport: Customizing AutoSearch

    There are two approaches to customizing autosearch when using the
    ClientReport component.

    a. Customize the built-in autosearch dialog in the same manner as
    applies to a standard TppReport (see RBuilder\Demos\AutoSearch\Custom
    AutoSearch Dialog).

    b. Use the ClientReport.OnReceiveAutoSearchFieldsEvent. This event fires
    when the client report receives autosearch fields from the server. In
    the event-handler, you can programmatically set the search values. You
    can optionally set ShowAutoSearchDialog to False to suppress the
    autosearch dialog and then call PrintToDevices to send the autosearch
    values to the server.


    ClientReport1.AutoSearchFields[0].ShowAllValues := False;
    ClientReport1.AutoSearchFields[0].SearchExpression := 'A';

    {optional code to suppress the autosearch dialog and generate the
    ClientReport1.ShowAutoSearchDialog := False;

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2002
    Thank you, Nard. I will have a look OnReceiveAutoSearchFields Event to
    create my custom autosearch dialog.

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