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Can't color a rectangle

using RB v21 / Delphi 10.3
I'm trying to add a line color and fill color to a shape/rectangle. I used to just click it then click fill and select the color. On this version it doesn't do anything. Do I have to do it a different way ?


  • Hi Andy,

    This feature has not changed.

    Select a Rectangle, use the FillColor, LineColor buttons on the Draw Toolbar to specify the color. Alternatively can use the Object Inspector Brush and Pen properties (make sure Brush.Style is bsSolid, Pen.Style is psSolid)

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • Hi Nard
    It works ok with the Object inspector but no where near as convenient. Is there something missing on my install or a setting/uses for the ppDesigner ?
  • Hi Andy,

    The FillColor/LineColor buttons work two ways.

    1. Right side of button - displays color palette

    The right side of the button has a down arrow. Press mouse button when over the down arrow and a drop down color palette appears. Use the mouse to select a color from the palette. There is also a choice of 'No Fill' for fill color, which will remove any color.

    Note: The color you select form the palette becomes the current color for the button.

    2. Main part of button - applies current color

    Mouse click the main part of the button and the current color is applied to the selected component. The current color could be 'No Fill' in which case no color is applied.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • Maybe I need to update the version. It worked fine until I installed the version I have now.
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