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Another - getting my head around this idea - inquiry.

edited September 2002 in Server
I'm just trying to get my head around web based reporting and what it does,
whats required to set it up.

Say, the idea was to let people query orders made. A DB containing the
orders is on the server.
Do you have to build extra functionality ( via Intraweb / EWF ) into the
report server so that clients can only access their orders not someone
elses? Is this relatively simple ?
What stops people gaining raw access direct to the database file. Does it
have to be encrypted or will passwording the directory somehow accomplise
this? Or is a secure server necessary.

Regards Phillip Herries


  • edited September 2002

    You would need to build in some security to have the user login. You
    could use standard html, or some other solution such as IntraWeb/EWF.

    If you want the web connection itself to be secure, use https with a
    digital certificate like the one you can get from Verisign.

    ReportBuilder Server Edition itself is a multi-tier solution. The "web
    tier" is a web application that you build and run on the web server. The
    report server can run on the web server machine or on a different
    machine. To increase the security I would run the report server on a
    separate machine.

    We will be constructing some examples that show how to setup these types
    of scenarios. We just have not quite gotten there yet, because we have
    been so busy with RB 7 and D7 etc. We'll announce the availability of
    examples on this newsgroup in the near future...

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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