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No Parentchart to validate datasource

Hi, looking for some assistance I am using Delphi Rad Studio 11.0 and Report builder 21.02 build 28, I have just downloaded trial of Tee Chart 2022.35 standard (I had issues getting this to install with Report Builder 21.04 so I downgraded the Reportbuilder), I can now add a DPTeeChart to my report, I can connect it to a pipeline and have the chart working within IDE showing dataset from my table. but when I run the application I get an error "raised exception class ChartException with message 'No ParentChart to validate DataSource'" before the main form is shown.

Any help much appreciated


  • Hi Scott,

    We have not seen this error before when using TeeChart and I was unable to recreate it in my quick testing.

    1. We have not changed the way TeeChart works between RB 21.04 and 21.02. You simply need to be sure you install TeeChart before installing ReportBuilder or (if you install TeeChart after) run the TeePackageBuilder application to rebuild and install the RB/TeeChart packages automatically.


    2. If you would like to send us a simple example (perhaps using built-in data) that demonstrates this issue, we will take a look at what is happening. Send any examples in .zip format to support@.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • Hi Nico,

    Running the TeePackageBuilder resolved this issue, but I now have another issue where I Add a teechart to Reportbuilder and set manual data and all works perfect, but once I close Delphi, Start Delphi again and reopen project I get a TppDPTeeChartControl not found and I lose all series data in the teechart, I will email support@ an example.

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