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Is there a way to limit the export options when you print a report.

I only want them to be able to print to pdf and text file and remove the other options.


  • Hello,

    Please update your profile to include your first and last name. This helps us identify and address our customers properly.

    See the following article on how to register and unregister output devices from ReportBuilder.


    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • @nicocizik The Link only addresses TppReportTextFileDevice, TppArchiveDevice, TppTextFileDevice. Is there a way to exclude TppRTFDevice and the TPPimages.
  • Hi Mobolaji,

    Below is a list of all built-in devices in ReportBuilder. I will update the article to include this information.

    TppArchiveDevice - Archive File
    TppHTMLDevice - HTML File
    TppXHTMLDevice - XHTML File (Server only)
    TppPDFDevice - PDF
    TppPDFADevice - PDF/A
    TppPDFA2Device - PDF/A2
    TppPDFA3Device - PDF/A3
    TppPDFA3ZFDevice - PDF/A3 - ZUGFeRD
    TppRTFDevice - Richtext File
    TppDocDevice - MS DOC File
    TppDocFormDevice - MS DOC File (with textboxes)
    TppXLSReportDevice - MS Excel File (legacy format)
    TppXLSDataDevice - MS Excel Data File (legacy format)
    TppXLSXReportDevice - MS Excel File
    TppXLSDataDevice - MS Excel Data File
    TppReportTextFileDevice - Text File
    TppTextFileDevice - Text Data File
    TppBMPDevice - Bitmap Image
    TppJPGDevice - JPEG Image
    TppMetafileDevice - Metafile Image
    TppGIFDevice - GIF Image
    TppPNGDevice - PNG Image

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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