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Next RBS version with actual version of TExtraDevices?

edited February 2003 in Server

as far as I know ReportBuilder Server contains
TExtraDevices for PDF and RTF Export.

Will the next RBS version contain the actual
version of TExtraDevices?

We do have ugly output results with
RTF memos in PDF documents.
It seem that RTF memos are embedded
as graphic instead as text. It is not possible
to search for strings of that memo inside
the acrobat reader and the font quality is bad.

Joachim Engel.


  • edited February 2003

    RB Server does NOT contain TExtraDevices.

    RB Server includes some adapter classes that enable the TExtraDevices and
    the PsRBExportDevices to be used to generate report content on the webtier.
    You should be able to use the latest version of TExtraDevices or

    If you cannot get the rsWebAdapterPDFWaler.pas unit to compile with the
    latest Waler release try adding TXOption to the uses clause in the
    implementation section as follows:


    TXOption, TXtraDev, ppTypes;

    Once you have things working try the following test...

    1. Use a TppReport to print to PDF
    2. Use a TrsClientReport to print the same report to PDF
    3. Use the WebTier to print the same report to PDF

    The above should produce equivalent results.

    report engine ---> TppPage objects ---> TppDevice --> report format

    The above is the same for all three report generation processes. For the
    ClientReport and WebTier cases, the report engine is on the report server,
    the Page objects are sent across the network to the client/webtier and then
    translated by the device. The WebTier internally uses a ClientReport to do

    Hope this clarifies things.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2003
    Hi Nard,

    you are right.
    The problem is that we have a new developer
    managing our ReportBuilder solution now.

    We do have a problem with TExtraDevices V2.53,
    but we will contact James Waler for support.

    Kind regards,
    Joachim Engel.
This discussion has been closed.