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Assigning the PDF File Name

D10.1 RB20.03

I am trying to assign a PDF File name from a group band based on a Custom Field. My report is a two page report. I am assigning the PDF file name based on the Custom Field which is established on the first page. The report breaks and paginates correctly in printing, and name of the PDF file is correct based on the Custom Field; however, the resultant PDF contains only the second page. Any suggestions?


  • Hi Craig,

    We are going to need more information about your application to track this down.

    1. Are you exporting each group to PDF using the Group.NewFile feature?
    2. Where are you trying to rename the file? Which event?
    3. If you remove all logic to rename the file does the report export correctly?

    Ideally you will want assign the file name of the report before it prints as the file stream is one of the first actions taken when exporting. If you are exporting each group as a separate file, you will want to use the Group.OnGetFileSuffix event to rename each group file.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • I am only using the Group.NewFile feature to make the PDF file
  • Hi Craig,

    I am still unclear about the issue. Please answer all the questions. Also, please send a simple example to support@ that demonstrates this issue so I can see exactly what is happening.

    2. Where are you trying to rename the file? Which event?
    3. If you remove all logic to rename the file, does the report export correctly?

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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