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new features request?

edited June 2001 in General
I want to know if there is any chance to have the following new features:

1. search on the preview screen:
I had seen such function in some VB apps. There is a edit box like area,
type a text and press a search button, then the preview screen will go to
the target area. Very powerful.

2. onclick event on the preview screen:
When I saw a detail line on the preview screen, then click a button, so
display the transaction entry screen (or call some program to do

Any comment?

Delphi5, win98.


  • edited June 2001
    Preview the report using Acrobat Reader, then you use the Find option in
    Acrobat. TExtraDevices is a 3rd party product for RB (waler.com), that will
    save the report as PDF, XLS, RTF, HTML, TXT. I save the report as a PDF,
    then I ShellExecute AcroRd32.exe. My file format for saving the report is
    REPORTNAME_USER_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.PDF. This is a unique file that can be used
    later if needed.

    The users like previewing in PDF, and I think it adds an extra element of
    'pizzaz' in your application.

    My only request in TExtraDevices is the capability to create bookmarks in
    the PDF. Bookmarks could be group breaks.


  • edited June 2001
    There is the OnDrawCommandClick event. The demo below shows a basic
    interactive preview.


    There is an autosearch capability in the previewer. It will generate a
    report only for the criteria that is desired. However, there isn't a text
    search in the preview at this time. Essentitally, it would involve
    generating all of the pages in the report, and then loop through all of the
    page object's draw text commands. A search on a previewed report has been
    on the todo list, but we can't provide any timeframe in which it will be in
    the product.

    Thanks for the feedback.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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