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Problem in group footer

edited July 2001 in General
Hi All,

I am using Report Builder 4.12.I am facing a problem.
I have a group header and footer.In the group footer I use dbcalc component
to do some total calculations.
The problem is that if i have records that fit exactly in a page the group
total(ie in the group footer)comes out only ones.which is correct.
somethings like this

Employee id Employee Name Amt
001 Diana 100.00
002 Peter 200.00
003 Susan 300.00

Department Total 600.00
Total No of Employee 3

But if I have record that exceed the 1st page and some how the department
total goes to the next page then it gets repeated
something like this

Department Total 600.00
Total No of Employee 3

Department Total 600.00
Total No of Employee 3

There r no events written for this report.I am only using group header &
group footer because I want the Employees according to the department.

Seems the group footer is some how not functioning.Can U help me with this.
If possible can u give an example of how to solve this.

Thanx !!

Software Developer


  • edited July 2001
    What version of Delphi do you have? Perhaps you can upgrade your version of

    We don't have any patches available for 4.21.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited July 2001
    Hi Jim Bennett,

    Actually I am using C++ Bulider 5 not Delphi.Somehow we have converted RB to
    suit our requirements.
    So if we need to upgrade to the new version we need to convert your code to
    suit our requirements.
    Can u guide me as to which r the advance features that are available in the
    latest version in comparision to RB 4.21 so based on that we can decide to

    Software Developer

  • edited July 2001
    From RB 4.21, there have been quite a few major enhancements. Here's quick

    What's New for 6.0

    DADE Support for dbExpress
    RBuilder.ini Enhancements

    What's New for 5.5

    DataView Linking
    KeepTogether for SubReports, etc.
    ColumnTraversal for Detail Band
    TextAlignment for Memo

    What's New for 5.0

    LookAhead Calculations

    *This feature in ReportBuilder Enterprise only.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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