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Autosize problems

edited July 2001 in General
I am sure that there is something fundamentally wrong with RB here...

I drop a TppdbText on a report, and during layout of the report change
it's font size and autosize properties, finally ending up with

The report previews ok, and prints ok too.

At some sites, the field does not display data on screen, or on the
printer. I believe that this is caused by the field being marginally
not high enough to display the line of text.

Apart from going through each field on my report and making them half
a mm higher, is there anything anyone could suggest to make my
reporting a little more reliable?

I have been caught with this several times.

Martin Clarke.


  • edited July 2001
    Are you using RB 6.0? If the height of the dbText is smaller than what the
    text height, then the part of the text that will fit should print within a
    clipped region. It's working in tests here. This problem must only be
    showing up when using another language. I'll try to reproduce it.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited July 2001
    I really doubt if language has anything to do with it, I am fairly
    sure Australian Arial is the same as US :)

    I imagine that the issue could have been with printer drivers, and
    perhaps it is fixed now, but I wanted to raise the issue in case it
    was affecting other users.

    On Wed, 18 Jul 2001 09:53:25 -0500, "Jim Bennett \(Digital
  • edited July 2001
    The text should print on a clipped region, however, it may not be supported
    on some printer drivers. Make sure the latest printer driver is installed.
    Does it print correctly when autosize is true?

    The only reason I said that it may be the language, is that one time I found
    that a string in Russian would appear to fit within the height of the dbText
    component at design time, but in the preview it never showed up. The fix was
    to increase the height of the text component.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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