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Columnar subreport no longer works after upgrading to RB6

edited July 2001 in General
After upgrading RB from 5.56 to 6.0, a report with a columnar subreport that
prints left-to-right no longer works correctly. It works if there are 4 or
less records in the subreport's pipeline, but, if there are more than 4
records, the next region on the report writes on top of the subreport. All
subreports and regions are connected with 'ShiftRelativeTo'. If I change the
subreport layout to top-to-bottom, all the records print correctly (except
they're not in columns, of course).

System details:
OS: Windows NT
RB 6.0
Delphi 5
DOA (Direct Oracle Access)
Reports are stored in the database.
The problem exists no matter which printer I choose.


  • edited July 2001
    What does you report look like exactly? The basic left to right generation
    appears to be working correctly when I create them. Perhaps I don't have it
    setup just like yours, with the regions and ShiftRelativeTo. Could you
    provide a simple demo to support@digital-metaphors.com or descirbe you
    layout in detail in order to get this behavior?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited July 2001
    Thanks, I'll try to recreate it as simply as possible at home this evening
    and email it to support. Meanwhile, I reverted to 5.56 here at work for the
    production version.

  • edited July 2001
    I just sent an example to support. But FYI, I just duplicated it very easily
    here at home using the dbdemos database. Here are the steps to reproduce it:

    1. In the designer|data tab, create a table with 'Customer', and another
    with 'Orders'. Link Orders.Custno with Customer.Custno.
    2. In the designer set the data pipeline to Customer.
    3. Drop a region on the form. Drop a label on it and caption it 'Region1'.
    4. Drop a subreport on the form and set it relative the region.
    5. Drop another region on the form and shift relative to the subreport.
    6. Move to the subreport page and set the data pipeline to Orders. Set the
    page layout to 3 columns. Drop a dbtext on it and set it to Order.Orderno.

    Preview the report and you'll see that on most of the pages, region2 shifts
    relative to region1, printing right on top of the subreport data. This
    worked correctly in 5.56.


    Don S.

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