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Calling a report using its URL

edited January 2004 in Server

I'm running the tutorial demos of RB Server and I'm interested specially in
the WebTier capabilities.

The examples show a report explorer inside Internet Explorer and we can see
the URL's of each report in the right pane, such as :

I tried to open the following URL :
(its the same URL above except for the lst params)

and the report appears normally.

Is there some problems to open the reports without those last params
(folder, sessionid, etc) ?

In fact, I'm asking because I will have to call many reports from many
HTML/ASP web pages in the intranet.


Jose Carlos


  • edited January 2004

    You probably should include the SessionID. This is assigned when the user
    runs the first report. Each session created on the server maintains state
    information. So there is overhead in creating a session. Sessions timeout
    when no further activity occurs.

    The other parameters are going to be state related: FolderID, Zoom setting,
    etc. You can include or omit these as you desire.

    See the custom parameters demo: RBuidler\Demos\WebTier\Custom Parameters.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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