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Traversal and DataPipelineTraversal

edited October 2001 in General
what exactly is the difference between Traversal and DataPipelineTraversal
in the timing dialog box of TppVariables?
i do not quite follow here...


  • edited October 2001
    OnTraversal should fire when the report engine moves to the next record
    forwards in the dataset. A traversal is defined as the first movement to a
    valid record position. Subsequent movements to the same record position
    (which are usually caused by group breaks) do not cause the OnTraversal
    event to fire again. This means that OnTraversal will fire ten times if ten
    records are traversed.

    OnDataPipelineTraversal will fire everytime the record position changes in
    the dataset. The OnDataPipelineTraversal will fire more often because of
    group actions. The report engine uses bookmarks. If a detial band can't fit
    on a page, and must be pritined on the next page, then the current page is
    finished. I believe the record position moves to the next record as it
    always does, but then when the next page starts it moves to the previous
    record to print the detail band that didn't fit on the last page. There are
    a couple of 'event tracker' demos in the main reports demo project in which
    you can see which events are firing.

    The net-net is that you should use OnTraversal


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2001
    so when calculating the sum of a field in a TppVariable
    i should use Traversal as timing right
    so it is possible to have different result between Traversal and
    also, DataPipeLineTraversal cannot be used to summing the value of a field
    is this right?

  • edited October 2001
    If you don't have any groups in the report, you may not see a difference.
    It is recommended to use the OnTraversal timing. We may take
    OnDataPipelineTraversal out in order to reduce confusion on this, and I
    don't think it is ever advantageous to have it when using for a variable's


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2001
    then i have a lot of work tonight
    i used the DataPipelineTraversal as THE timing method for all my variables
    in the reports i made so far...
    so i defenately have to change this
    it only came to my attention creating my last report
    i think it may be wise to indeed eliminate this option, i can't see what
    purpose it has...

  • edited October 2001
    i changed the timing from datapipeline to Traversal and the calculations now
    are incorrect,
    they only reflect the last value of the last detail printed (when calculated
    in the group footer)
    so when i'm calculating in the group footer wich timing do i need to use
    this is really getting confusing for me...

  • edited October 2001
    i should clarify:
    i'm totalling in the group header values from detailbands wich are in a
    subreport (child)
    what is the best way to archieve this ?
    the child report has a dataset of its own
    so it is NOT the last record that gets added to the total but the first
    how can i solve this nicely?

  • edited October 2001
    i found the topic on calculating a value in a subreport and printing it in
    the groupfooter of the main report
    problem is that for this to work you need to define the oncalc event handels
    is code and not in RAP
    i tried to reference this in rap without success,
    is this possible or not
    my approach was to put the timing of the var in the group footer of the main
    report to
    DataPipelineTraversal and the calccomponent to the dataset of the child
    this does work! BUT can i trust (in all cases) that this behaviour will
    ALWAYS give me the exact sum of the fields i want to sum (in the group
    footer of the main report)
    OR do i have to do the trick of adding the var of the group footer in an
    oncalc event of a var in a child subreport
    i would really appreciate if you could really clear this up for me
    ps: i didn't capitalize certain words to reflect a 'shoutin' behavior, it
    was just to make things a bit clearer, so excuse me if this bothers you...

  • edited October 2001
    The scope is setup in RAP so that this it may seem like it isn't possible,
    because RAP was implemented such that is won't have any naming conflicts
    beteen the ppVariable1 in one subreport from the ppVariable1 in another
    subreport or in the main report.

    Ok, you have a subreport variable calculation in RAP, which you need to show
    in the main report. In RAP, you'll need to create a global handle to make
    this happen. You can either create a global variable in RAP that holds a
    reference to the variable in the main report in the OnGlobalCreate event, or
    create a global function that returns the handle to the variable in the main
    report. In the OnCalc of the variable inside the subreport, you can also
    update the value of the variable in the main report using this global

    If you don't want to show the subreport variable, remember that you can set
    it to Visible = False and its OnCalc will still fire and give you the
    calculation that you need.

    You can't trust the OnDataPipelineTraversal, but you should trust the

    True, the OnDataPipelineTraversal is able to work, as your report is
    configured right now. However, if you later decide to change the report
    around so that there is more KeepTogether action in the detail band, then
    you may see the OnDataPipelineTraversal fire more often. It should also
    work with OnTraversal, as this event is guaranteed to fire only once, when
    the OnDataPipelineTraversal isn't.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2001
    i'll play around with the two approches
    and see wich one best suits me...
    thanks for this explanation and possible loss of hair when the totals
    wouldn't be correct in the release version

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