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ExtraDevices and Excel exporting

edited October 2001 in General
Hi, i'm having a problem exporting to Excel. The process raises a
"Division by zero" error.
I asked in Waler last week bust still have no answer.
What must or can do?
Guillermo Castaño Acevedo
Gerente de Sistemas - Grupo Millennium Ltda


  • edited October 2001
    It's up to Waler to support. You can always dive into his supplied source.
    Look in ..\Program Files\Extradev\Delphi\Source\TxtraDev.pas for the
    TXLSDevice code.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2001
    I already did it, but the error raised is strange and couldn't find a
    particular line to fix it.
    Sorry, but i want to apply my money back guarantee, because i switched from QR
    to RB to have some problems fixed, but the Waler support is terrible and my
    clients can't wait more.
    Who must i e-mail to for returning my RB license?

  • edited October 2001
    Sorry, to hear of your trouble with Extradevices. Have you tried contacting
    him again, with a request just for a response that he has received your
    email? We offer an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee. Waler has
    always been willing to research a problem with Extradevices and encourages
    us to send him all tech support for his add-on. You can email
    info@digital-metaphors.com to handle the licensing issue.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2001
    To be honest, i'm sorry too. You have a great product, but it's a reality that
    today's users need to export their reports (principally to Excel), and in my
    case it was mandatory.
    As posted in another of my messages, i really think RB should have native
    exporting capabilities. When you let critical behaviour of your application in a
    third person, you have the risk of losing clients and even destroy the good name
    you have because of issues don't directly handled by you.
    I sent at least 6 mails to Waler since the last tuesday, had 1 answer on
    thursday with a patch that didn't worked at all, and i send a lot of new message
    without answer at this time.... His support is really terrible, at least in my
    case, and i can't wait more. Have a project to deploy and i'm losing money.
    If RB has native exporting (supported directly by you), be sure i'll remain with
    the product. It's great, but you have a big hole there.

  • edited October 2001
    Thanks, for the feedback. We have many customers using Extradevices with
    great success and we have had relatively few reports of problems with
    Extradevices. Perhaps, in a future project, you should reconsider
    ReportBuilder, as we will continue to add more and more functionality to the
    best reporting tool available:)


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2001
    I hope the same... i'm rebuilding the reports in QR and really miss RB :.( .
    But sadly insist, having a centralized support for all RB issues would be great,
    cause more than 1 week response times for such a basic bugg is awful.
    thanks again

  • edited October 2001
    I just had a similar problem this week. I had added an ExtraDevices
    component to a form and was using it to control some of the export
    properties of Excel. I was getting division by zero errors (I think it may
    have had something to do with the column spacing property). Anyway I removed
    the component from the form and the export works fine now.

    Kevin McBrearty
    ATG Automation Technologies Group Ltd.
  • edited October 2001
    Hi, Waler has just published and upgrade of their components with the problem
    solved. I've made a few tests and seems to work fine. You should download it and
    try your reports again...and tell us your experience.

  • edited October 2001
    Glad to hear that it is working:)


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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