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Report crashes at run time

edited October 2001 in General
I have a report that prints data about a job. A job can have several
classifications and sub jobs.
I create a group on the field pipeline.JobNumber and then I place all
DBTexts for job data in that group.Job Number header.
In the detail section I place the DBTexts for the classification data. In
the group.JobNumber footer I placed a subreport for the subjobs. I use two
queries, the first for job/classification data and the second for sub job
data. The report works great in the report designer. The issue arises at run
time. An "EDatabaseError" occurs stating "qrySubJobs: Field 'SJName' not
found. The field is found while in the designer mode.

Tom Le Page


  • edited October 2001

    Several things to look at:

    1) What version of RB are you using?
    2) How are you acessing your data? DADE? or is it via a TDataModule
    3) Finally, export your report to an ASCII file and look at the field in
    question. Check that the settings are correct.

    Ed Dressel
    Team DM
  • edited October 2001
    1) The version is 6.01.

    2) We access the data via a TMMQuery component derived from TDataSet of our
    own design (as MySQL components were not very good when we started used
    MySQL) which has worked very well for us.

    3) I'm not sure how or what to export. Could you explain more.

    Also to add to the original post the presence of classifications and sub
    jobs may or may not be present.

  • edited October 2001
    > 3) I'm not sure how or what to export. Could you explain more.

    ppReport1.Template.Format := ftAscii; // or something like that
    ppReport1.Template.FileName := 'C:\FileName.Txt';

    Then you can open up the file in a text editor and look at the definition
    for the label.

    Ed Dressel
    Team DM
  • edited October 2001
    Here is the DBText that is the problem. It looks good to me, but that could
    be part of the problem!
    I can send you the whole file 7K if you like vs the group.

    object ppDBText3: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText3'
    DataField = 'SJName'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 10
    Font.Style = []
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plSubJobs'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 12700
    mmTop = 1852
    mmWidth = 17198
    BandType = 4
  • edited October 2001
    It looks as if the pipeline2 is not opening it's query as the subreport will
    not print if it's set to pipeline2. It will print OK if the pipeline is set
    to pipeline1.

    What can cause the pipeline to not open the query. The SQL statement is good
    as it will run with results in a SQL Manager.

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