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Templates not allowing restore from text file

edited October 2001 in General
I am using RBuilder 5.56 and am using inherited forms as containers for a
standardized report component. I can create a new report by simply creating
a new form as a descendent of my original report form. This all works great,
I get the standardized headers, placement etc. No problem up until my boss
decided he wanted to be able to manipulate the template files outside of
Delphi, or at least with a minimum of contact with the source (this is to
give a non-engineer the ability to change spellings, move things "to the
left a sixteenth of an inch", that sort of thing). Trouble is, Delphi is
fairly stupid about inherited objects in that if one saves a report as a
template, then attempts to reload said template into one of the descendant
report forms as described above, I get an error message to the effect that I
can't delete components introduced in an ancestor form - even though those
components are in the template (I checked by loading the template into a
blank report form) are named the same, etc.
Is there any way to overcome this limitation? I need to be able to load the
template file back into one of my inherited form files vice a blank one,
otherwise the whole reason for having the inheritence tree is lost.



  • edited October 2001
    You can't mix forms inheritance and report templates together. For the
    template approach, you can dynamically load subreports to have all reports
    in your app have a standard title/header/footer. See your installed
    ../RBuilder/Demos.EndUser/DynamicSubreportLoading for an example of this.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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