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About Matricial Printers (Example: LX300)

edited October 2001 in General

Why in Report Builder a report is slowly to printer in LX300 than a DOS
Software. I am using the Draft10cpi font. It should be the same speed, it
isn't ?
Some times I think the DOS aplicative printers continuos line and Report
Builder printers word by word or somethink like that.
I cannot finding the right word in english to describe that.I hope you
understand me.
If you not understand me send me email.





  • edited October 2001
    well i suppose that the Draft10cpi is a printer font (little printer at the
    left of the font when you select it in word for example)
    if so then you schould first try out word with this font and printer and
    print the same kind of report in word to see how the speed is
    it could be that the printer in windows is just slow
    otherwise try another printer font to see if this works
    do you use a lot of lines in the report cause that will defenately slow down
    the output cause lines will be generated as bitmaps
    also in normal dos printing you print a line and the next line is positioned
    by the printer hadware
    if your report does not respect this (you can ask for the font height to
    know where the top for the next character is) the report will be printed in
    windows way
    the same applies for the left
    i found out that no matter what you do the fastest way for matrix printers
    and pos printers is to directly print to the printer and not through any
    report generator at all
    now this whole explanation is what i learned through experience with pos
    printers but i expect it to be the same with matrix printers...
    my 2c

  • edited October 2001
    RB uses printer driver to generate output, and not direct line printing. LX
    300 is a graphical matrix printer and a graphical output is generated, so
    every char is created dot by dot, skipping printer internal character
    generator. As result the printing is slow but high quality, and you can
    print any size font, bitmaps, and so on. For plain text output, just like
    old dos, try installing and directing output on a generic text printer,
    which uses a no-graphic driver. If u wanna use compressed, underlined, and
    so on special escape char, forget RB and go with a hand written procedure,
    it's faster.

    Ciao, Sandro

    "Marco Antonio" ha scritto nel messaggio
  • edited October 2001
    I try to print using WORD PAD for windows and the speed is the same than
    Report Builder. The printer head go to end and to begin of the each word
    until the end of line. The DOS printing does not do that. It begin in the
    begin of line go to the end of line without interrupt.
    Understand me ?

  • edited October 2001
    I am trailing ReportBuilder and have struck an immediate problem.

    When trying to place a Label in the Header Band I get the Error Dialog
    "Canvas does not allow drawing".

    I can however place a RichEdit on the detail band with no errors.

    (I do not have a data pipeline as this is a simple report)

    What do I need to do to get a simple Label on the report?

    Where in the manual are the errors listed with their explanations?

    Regards, Peter Evans
  • edited October 2001
    What version of RB are you using? This was a problem in 6.01, which was
    fixed in 6.02. Download 6.02. Registered users can contact
    info@digital-metaphors.com with your registration information to receive the
    download link. Otherwise, the 6.02 demo is available from our website


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2001
    if the speed is the same with wordpad then there's nothing you can do on the
    RB side, it is simply the printer driver wich gives you the nightmare
    looking at the name LX300 i assume that it is an epson printer
    and then i say aaahhh!!
    on the risk of being flamed, epson drivers are not that good in
    windows...the only decent ones i've seen are for certain laserprinters and
    inkjet printers
    we have all sorts of epson pos printers in the field and let me assure you
    that you can't trust 'a version' of driver to work on all windows platforms
    the same


  • edited October 2001


    I have just, whilst online, brought up Delphi (Delphi 4) and checked what
    version of RB I installed. It states "Demo Copy - Version 6.02".

    When I tried to place a label on the header, this time, I got the same error
    message, but, the label did appear on the header band.

    I am using Windows 95.

    Please advise how I can resolve this problem and evaluate your product.

    Regards, Peter Evans
  • edited October 2001
    Ok, then most likely it is your printer driver. Try this as a test to
    verify that it is the driver. Switch your installed printer driver to an HP
    LaserJet 4 (we know that this one works) and relaunch the Delphi application
    and create a report. If the problem goes away, then download the latest
    driver that is available from your printer's manufacturer.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2001

    Thanks, I will look into that now.

    As to the second part to my question "Where in the manual are the errors
    listed with their explanations?". Please let me know the answer to that, or
    where on website is the answer.
    This would certainly save a lot of wasted time.

    Regards, Peter Evans
  • edited October 2001

    I checked up on my printer driver, that is installed on my test machine.
    The printer is a HP LaserJet 6MP. The latest "HP LaserJet 6P/6MP Printing
    System (American English)" is version 1.02 of 28 Feb98.
    I have that installed already.

    If I went to the trouble of checking a printer driver for the LaserJet4,
    that you claim works for Windows 95, and with Delphi 4, then I have not
    proven anything. That is because, I already have the latest driver installed
    for the printer on this machine.

    So I need some other advise on how to correct the problem.

    I should repeat that the problem occurs at the design stage. I am interested
    as to how a printer driver could affect the design stage. Surely your
    product will work, at the design stage, even if the design computer has no
    printer installed?

    Regards, Peter Evans
  • edited October 2001
    ReportBuilder can work if there is no printer installed on a machine by
    setting the Report.PrinterSetup.PrinterName to Screen. RB needs a canvas in
    order to determine text widths and text heights of the text controls as they
    are placed in the report, which are set to Autosize = True, at design time.
    RB tries to use the printer canvas if possible. All we are saying that by
    testing with the Laserjet 4 driver is to say that the installed
    Laserjet6P/6MP driver may or may not work the same. Drivers have a tendency
    to be poorly written.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2001


    Thank you for that explanation. The following is my experiences since your
    previous reply.

    31 Oct.

    I did not alter any printer drivers decided to have another try at getting a
    Label on a form.

    No luck. I noticed that TppReport property Units was set to Inches. I
    changed it to Millimeters.

    1 Nov.

    1. Boot machine
    2. run Delphi
    3. open Project
    4. open unit which has on it TppReport
    5. double click on icon
    6. click in Detail Band
    7. click on Label icon
    8. click on Detail Band
    9. Success
    10. exit Delphi

    11. run Delphi
    12. on Project1, Form1 drop component TppReport
    13. double click on icon
    14. click in Detail Band. Success.
    (ppReport1.Units = utInches)
    15. click on Label icon
    16. click in Detail Band. Get Label 1 appearing; dialog
    Error "Canvas..."
    17. click OK on Error dialog
    18. in Object Inspector display ppReport1 (Units = utInches)
    19. change Units to utMillimeters
    20. click on Label icon; click on Label icon
    21. click on Detail Band. Get Error. Click OK
    22. unable to get rid of Error situation
    23. Delete component TppReport
    24. repeat lines 12-15. Except firstly change Units to Millimeters.
    Tried doing in ReportBuilder screeen File | Page Setup changing Printer
    to different printer. (Initially was "Default"). This didn't halp.
    In desperation changed to "Screen". Success

    However when I repeated this process on another project (repeating steps
    11+) it didn't work.
    I tried changing between Units = Millimeters and Units = Inches and changing
    printer and by happenstance got it to work!

    So it seems my printer driver does work as my experience of 31 Oct
    demonstrates. And,
    eventually as my experiences of 1 Nov demonstrate, it can be made to work.

    However ... please advise how a "hit and miss" approach can be changed to a
    "sure fire" approach.

    Regards, Peter Evans
  • edited November 2001
    Really ??? Are you kidding ? RB does not work with compressed ?

  • edited November 2001
    > Really ??? Are you kidding ? RB does not work with compressed ?

    Once more: RB uses windows printer drivers, which, in case of graphical
    matrix printers, means GRAPHIC (dot by dot) printing. Compressed, underlined
    and so on in the age of old-dos were rendered using printer built-in
    character generator circuitry, because there was no driver. To obtain the
    same result under Win you must directly send characters to the printer,
    skipping driver, or directing the RB printer output on a generic/text only
    printer driver, which does not support, obviously, any variant to the
    standard font (80 cols or printer control panel selected one).

    Ciao, Sandro
This discussion has been closed.