How can I force vertical lines and boxes to span sections, say from header to footer, not in code but just in the designer. Its a doddle in Crystal Reports but I can't see how?
Hmm...I see. Still a bit of a cludge. Am I right in thinking that, if I were clever enough, the architecture is there for me to write a more "intelligent" ( no offense intended) line component; or is the Designer itself imposing this limitation?
RB is a banded style report writer. A component can only be parented by one band and it generates a draw command when it has finished generating in its band. You need to create a draw line command which has a length to extend over multiple bands.
You may be able to do this with your own custom line descendent. Create a vertical line component and register it with RB, so that your users can use it in the designer. Add a property to it, like StretchToBottom?, and in the PropertiesToDrawCommand method, it should create a draw line command that which has a length from its top position to the bottom of the page. There is an example of creating a custom component in your installation under ..\RBuilder\Demos\RCL\Checkbox.
The part thay may be hard, is adding the StretchToGroupFooterBottom property. This will require a mechanism that runs the report in two passes (Report.PassSetting). The first pass will generate a list of group footer bottom positions. As the report generates in the second pass, the line draw command will have to be generated based on the group footer positions in the list. This is probably the best alternative if you want to drop one line component in a band and have it generate to a position on the page respective to another band?
In article <8EAE82296ACCD311A039005004E0CAC0057A60@DMSERVER>, Paul Toms wrote:
I did it this way and it works well. Every Line which has ParentHeight, ReprintonOverflow and Position Left or right will be painted to the footer or to the summary-band. --- Procedure TGFDrucken.GFPrintStartPage(Sender: TObject); begin { Für das Linienmachen wichtig } FCurrentPosition := -1; end;
procedure TGFDrucken.GFPrintEndPage(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; liBottom: Integer; liTop: Integer; NewLine: TppDrawLine; xLine: TppLine; begin if FCurrentPosition = -1 then exit; if not MakeLines then exit; liTop := FCurrentPosition; liBottom := GFPrint.Engine.PageBottom; if GfPrint.AbsolutePageCount = GfPrint.AbsolutePageNo then begin if not GfPrint.FooterBand.PrintOnLastPage then liBottom := GfPrint.SummaryBand.CurrentPosition; end;
{ TppDrawLine wird automatisch zerstört, braucht man sich nicht drum kümmern! } for I := 0 to GFPrint.DetailBand.ObjectCount-1 do begin // Iterate if GFPrint.DetailBand.Objects[i] is TppLine then begin xLine := TppLine(GFPrint.DetailBand.Objects[i]); if (xLine.ParentHeight) and (xLine.ReprintOnOverFlow) and (xLine.Position in [lpLeft, lpRight]) then begin NewLine := TppDrawLine.Create(Nil); NewLine.Page := GfPrint.Engine.Page; NewLine.LinePosition := xLine.Position; NewLine.Left := xLine.mmLeft + Gfprint.PrinterSetup.PageDef.mmMarginLeft; NewLine.Top := liTop; NewLine.Height := liBottom - liTop; NewLine.Width := xLine.mmWidth; NewLine.LineStyle := xLine.Style; NewLine.Pen.Assign(xLine.Pen); end; end; end; // for FCurrentPosition := -1; end;
procedure TGFDrucken.ppDetailBand1AfterPrint(Sender: TObject); begin { Hier muß die Position gemerkt werden } FCurrentPosition := GFPrint.Engine.PrintPosRect.Top; end; --- HTH
You'll need to resize the band's height to be the height of the page.
Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors
a group header to a group footer?
the group footer.
Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors
clever enough, the architecture is there for me to write a more
"intelligent" ( no offense intended) line component; or is the Designer
itself imposing this limitation?
Thanks, Paul
band and it generates a draw command when it has finished generating in its
band. You need to create a draw line command which has a length to extend
over multiple bands.
You may be able to do this with your own custom line descendent. Create a
vertical line component and register it with RB, so that your users can use
it in the designer. Add a property to it, like StretchToBottom?, and in the
PropertiesToDrawCommand method, it should create a draw line command that
which has a length from its top position to the bottom of the page. There
is an example of creating a custom component in your installation under
The part thay may be hard, is adding the StretchToGroupFooterBottom
property. This will require a mechanism that runs the report in two passes
(Report.PassSetting). The first pass will generate a list of group footer
bottom positions. As the report generates in the second pass, the line draw
command will have to be generated based on the group footer positions in the
list. This is probably the best alternative if you want to drop one line
component in a band and have it generate to a position on the page
respective to another band?
Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors
succeed I'll post up the solution
I did it this way and it works well. Every Line which has ParentHeight,
ReprintonOverflow and Position Left or right will be painted to the footer or
to the summary-band.
Procedure TGFDrucken.GFPrintStartPage(Sender: TObject);
{ Für das Linienmachen wichtig }
FCurrentPosition := -1;
procedure TGFDrucken.GFPrintEndPage(Sender: TObject);
I: Integer;
liBottom: Integer;
liTop: Integer;
NewLine: TppDrawLine;
xLine: TppLine;
if FCurrentPosition = -1 then exit;
if not MakeLines then exit;
liTop := FCurrentPosition;
liBottom := GFPrint.Engine.PageBottom;
if GfPrint.AbsolutePageCount = GfPrint.AbsolutePageNo then begin
if not GfPrint.FooterBand.PrintOnLastPage then liBottom :=
{ TppDrawLine wird automatisch zerstört, braucht man sich nicht drum
kümmern! }
for I := 0 to GFPrint.DetailBand.ObjectCount-1 do begin // Iterate
if GFPrint.DetailBand.Objects[i] is TppLine then begin
xLine := TppLine(GFPrint.DetailBand.Objects[i]);
if (xLine.ParentHeight) and (xLine.ReprintOnOverFlow) and
(xLine.Position in [lpLeft, lpRight]) then begin
NewLine := TppDrawLine.Create(Nil);
NewLine.Page := GfPrint.Engine.Page;
NewLine.LinePosition := xLine.Position;
NewLine.Left := xLine.mmLeft +
NewLine.Top := liTop;
NewLine.Height := liBottom - liTop;
NewLine.Width := xLine.mmWidth;
NewLine.LineStyle := xLine.Style;
end; // for
FCurrentPosition := -1;
procedure TGFDrucken.ppDetailBand1AfterPrint(Sender: TObject);
{ Hier muß die Position gemerkt werden }
FCurrentPosition := GFPrint.Engine.PrintPosRect.Top;
Gruß aus den Bergen