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TdaMagicSQL - Upgrade 6.02

edited November 2001 in General
Same code as 6.01 but when running a report I now get and error

'TdaMagicSQL.Create: Owner must be TdaSQL'

which appears to come from the constructor below. Any ideas what may be


Philip L Jackson

{ TdaMagicSQL.Create }

constructor TdaMagicSQL.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
if not (aOwner is TdaSQL) then
raise Exception.Create('TdaMagicSQL.Create: Owner must be TdaSQL');

inherited Create(aOwner);

FRootSQL := TdaSQL(aOwner);

FMagicFieldCount := 0;

end; {constructor, Create}


  • edited November 2001
    Are you creating/extracting the SQL object from DADE dataviews and building
    reports dynamically? We'll need more info as to what exactly the report is
    doing. Send us a simple example to support@digital-metaphors.com which we
    can run to trace the conversion logic.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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