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TeeChart 5.02 and RB 6.03

edited November 2001 in General

I read about problems of RB 6.03 with TeeChart 4.
Mine is different. I managed to install RB 6.03.
At first, TeeChart 5.02 was installed when using RB 5.0, then Delphi refused
to run, giving messages like this and that components not found.
So, we got RB 6.03, installation was smooth.
I recompiled all my projects and it didn't complain anything at all.
But when I opened a form which has ppReport and ppDBChart in the report, it
gave me some errors, couldn't remember what the errors are.
I checked the chart, I could still see everything from report designer
except that ppDPChartControl and Series are no longer there, I couldn't see
it from Object Explorer.
On project closing, it gave me errors telling that Series and DPChartControl
are gone.
'Field frmSelectMonth.SeriesRSource does not have a corresponding component.
Remove the declaration?'
I have something like SeriesRSource.Color := clBlack in code, but
compilation still succeed, it will only complain when I run through that
I recompiled TeeChart and RB but still with no avail.

What should I do next to fix this ?
Sorry for the long story.


  • edited November 2001

    I can confirm the problem... I had the same problem with RB 6.03 & TeeChart
    5.02... Since I was approaching a deadline I reverted back to RB 6.02 &
    TeeChart 5.01 with the thought of working on the problem later...

    Joe Hutchins

  • edited November 2001
    Your installation is probably correct. The series owner was changed and is
    not owned by the form anymore, and so it isn't visible in the form unit. You
    will have to access the series like this: ppDPTeeChart1.Chart.Series.

    The series form conversion should have been handled in the conversion where
    you don't get the errors when loading the form. Can you send us a demo
    report to support@digital-metaphors.com


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited November 2001
    I'm not sure if the owner, I can't see it anywhere.
    One thing I'm very sure, on new application, I put a ppReport on the form
    and ppDBTeeChart or ppTeeChart in the report. Object explorer will only show
    Form, ppReport, ppDBTeeChart/ppTeeChart.
    .pas and .dfm files showing the same objects too, no series and
    So it's not only my existing project, but new application as well.
    I'll send you a sample tomorrow since I don't have it at the moment.

    Thanks a lot,

  • edited November 2001
    You shouldn't be able to see the Series, the owner was changed on purpose,
    in order for RB to work properly within Delphi 6.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited December 2001
    Hi Jim,

    I've sent you a demo, have you received it ?


  • edited December 2001
    No, we haven't received any demo. Try sending it again to


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited December 2001
    I did get the demo. You sent it on Thursday. Anyways, I connected the data
    aware chart to some data. Then used this code to change the color of the
    lines in the graph.

    ppDPTeeChart1.Chart.Series[0].SeriesColor := clBlue;


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited December 2001
    So, we don't need ppDPTeeChartControl anymore, do we ?
    Allright, I'll give a try.
    Thanks a lot.


  • edited December 2001
    Sorry, another confirmation.
    Can ppDPTeeChartControl still be seen from object explorer ? I can't see it
    from my new installation, but my friend can still see it.


  • edited December 2001
    You'll should be able to get at the control via the published (visible in
    the object inspector) Chart property on the teechart object on the form.
    The Chart property gives you access to the ChartControl object.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited December 2001
    Allright !!!!
    It's working now. I have to access series from the chart. The previous
    version we used 5.0, series could be access as an independent component.
    And we don't need ppChartControl anymore.
    Forget my question about what happened with my friend's installation. We're
    using visual sourcesafe, when the file is not checked out, reportbuilder
    can't convert it and giving access violation.
    But it's fine now.

    Thanks again, have a nice day.

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