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Export format

edited October 2004 in Server
Is it possible to export web brower content to something else than PDF file,
i.e. something like RTF for example ?
Sebastien FEIGNA


  • edited October 2004

    Tech Tip: Adding WebTier Export Formats


    The web report viewer included with RB Server Edition includes support for
    exporting reports to PDF format.

    Is it possible to add export formats to the web report viewer?


    Yes, the web report viewer can be extended to support additional formats.
    There is an example of adding an Excel export format that is installed with
    RB Server Edition. The example is installed to ..\RBServer\Demos\Web
    Tier\Custom Viewer and contains a ReadMe.doc and commented code.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2004
    Does anyone know if William Yu's Grid Pack will work with RB Server and be
    able to output in PDF format?
    Since Grid Pack only works with Waler PDF component I need to know.

    I asked Mr Yu, but he doesn't have Server available to him.

    I will be probably using RB Server, Grid Pack and Walers PDF component, if
    they will work properly together.

    Thanks in advance,
    Alan Sawyer
  • edited October 2004

    If Grid pack and Waler work together in a standard RB application then they
    should work properly in an RB server application as well. Waler definitely
    works in a server application. And the Grid pack should work properly as
    well, unless it has some unknown issue with
    thread-safety. As long as Grid Pack does not rely upon sharing of any global
    singleton type objects, it should be thread-safe.

    For future reference, create a new thread for new question. :)

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.