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Using TrsWebTier in DLL

edited March 2005 in Server
I am attempting to use the TrsWebTier in a DLL. However, it appears that a
thread keeps on running. After I free the TrsWebTier and unload the DLL, 5
seconds later I get an AV.

What can I do about this?



  • edited March 2005

    The most common use of the WebTier is in an ISAPI.dll application. There are
    no known issues with using the WebTier in an ISAPI.dll.

    You might try setting WebTier.GarbageCollection.SeparateThread to False. The
    default is True. The GarbageCollection thread is invoked as the last task to
    be performed in response to a call to the ProcessWebRequest method. The
    thread is free'd each time the garbage collector runs. Thus, it should not
    typically be running.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2005
    Turning off garbage collection appears to do the trick.

    Thank you!

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