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TeeChart With Web Reports

edited August 2005 in Server

Is it possible to bring up dialog boxes etc within a report for TeeChart
when the report is being displayed in the report viewer on the web?

If so has anyone got any example code?

We are currently moving a lot of reports into report builder. We used to
use ChartFX. The activeX version of the chart gives the user a toolbar, I
am trying to achieve something similar with TeeChart through a report
builder report




  • edited August 2005

    Not sure I understand the question

    The web report viewer is an xhtml/javascript interface that can be viewed on
    any platform (including non-windows platforms such as the macintosh and

    If you want to add a button to the web viewer nav toolbar, check out the
    example installed to
    RBServer\Demos\Web Tier\Custom Viewer. It shows how to add a button for
    generating the report as excel.

    That is the only example that we have of customizing the viewer.

    If you wanted to display the actual TeeChart or ChartFx interface, that
    would require some ActiveX technology - the user would have to download the
    binary to the client machine. We have never tried to implement anything like

    The autosearch interface enables the user to enter some parameters, so
    perhaps you could use that.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2005
    Ok thanks Nard

    I thought you would say something like that

    Have you got any examples for including TeeChart in a report viewable
    through a normal win32 app, where the user is able to export data from the
    graph, etc.

    I know you have one chart demo but it does not seem to do this



  • edited August 2005

    For a win32 app, you could create a custom preview dialog that does what you
    need. You can copy the existing preview dialog (ppPrvDlg.pas) and rename the
    class to TmyPreviewDialog and then register it as the default preview
    dialog. The registration code appears at the bottom. (Most of the dialogs in
    RB are replaceable in this manner).

    The prevew dialog is used by both the TrsClientReport and TppReport.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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