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Error preview a report from the RB-Server

edited July 2006 in Server

I have a Server with the Explorer database, that I connect to using the
"Client Explorer"
When I try to preview any report in the explorer I am getting the error:

Server Error: Processing request for report Report Explorer Database\All
EReportLoadFromDatabaseError, Error reading
ppReport2.BeforeAutoSearchDialogCreate: Invalid property value

In this case the name of the report is "Alerts" and it is in the "All
I am also using DOA to connect to Oracle

This report works fine in the standard Report-Builder !?

Many Thanks


  • edited July 2006

    - This indicates that the report definition contains a reference to an
    event-handler method for the Report BeforeAutoSearchDialog event. When the
    report is loadeded, the event-handler method reference can only be restored
    if the form/datamodule that contains the report volume has a published
    method with the same name.

    - Open the standard end-user project that executes the report correctly.
    Open the form that contains the end-user components. View the code for the
    unit and check for an event-handler methdo for the
    BeforeAutoSearchDialogCreate event.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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