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pass-through function public in design-time

edited September 2002 in General

I have made a pass-through function in report builder. It work in run-time
which is a good thing.
My question is how do I make it public in design-time because when I want to
compile it say that the function is undeclaer. I can't preview the report.




  • edited September 2002
    Hi J?rgen,

    Article: Accessing Pass-Through Functions
    in Delphi Design-Time

    "How do I make my pass-through functions available
    at design-time?"

    Since pass-through functions are registered with RAP by
    calling raRegisterFunction (typically in the Initialization
    section of a unit), to make your functions available
    at design-time we simply need to arrange to have the
    initialization section of your unit executed at

    To do so, we'll create a design-time package and add in
    your units.

    Do the following:

    1. Select New... from the File menu in Delphi.
    2. In the New Items dialog, select Package and click OK.
    3. In the Package editor, click the Options button.
    4. In the Description tab:
    - Type in a meaningful Description, such as "My RAP
    - Set usage options to Designtime only.
    5. Click OK.
    6. Right-click the Contains node and select Add.
    7. In the Add dialog, enter the unit or units that
    contain the functions you wish to make available.
    8. Click OK.
    9. Save your package with a meaningful name and click
    the Install button.

    Your functions should now be available within RAP
    at Delphi design-time.

    For an example of this, see the CodeSite support package
    in RBuilder\Demos\0. RAP\2. CodeSite.

    Chris Ueberall;

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