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Event before "GetFieldValue"

edited February 2003 in General
i need to get an event exactly once just before the first
"GetFieldValue" (JITPipline) that starts a new DetailBand.

I tried "OnTraverseBy", "OnGetActive", "OnRecordPositionChange"
of the JITPipeline.

I also tried "BeforeGenerate" and "BeforePrint" of the

All of the above fire either after GetFieldVale or fire more
than once before GetFieldValue.

Any suggestions?



  • edited February 2003
    Hi Jens-Erich,

    what do you want to achieve?
    (ReportBuilder version?)

    Chris Ueberall;
  • edited February 2003
    I want implement skipping of data. The source where my data
    comes from is a TList with Items that should print and Items
    that should be skipped.

    Meanwhile i found out that skipping of data should be easier
    by assigning all Items to the Job and then skip while printing.

    I have Delphi 5 and RB 6.03. I tried this method now like this:

    I start my print job in the unit that contains the TList:

    PrintForm.ppJITPipeline.RecordCount := TourList.Items.Count;

    The implementation code of my print form unit (conating the
    report) is here:

    clLightGray = $00F0F0F0;

    function TPrintForm.ppJITPipelineGetFieldValue(aFieldName: string): Variant;
    if (aFieldName = 'Abfahrt') then Result :=
    else if (aFieldName = 'Ankunft') then Result :=
    else if (aFieldName = 'Fahrzeit') then Result :=
    else if (aFieldName = 'KmStart') then Result :=
    else if (aFieldName = 'KmEnde') then Result :=
    else if (aFieldName = 'Kilometer') then Result :=
    else if (aFieldName = 'Orte') then Result :=
    else if (aFieldName = 'Zweck') then Result :=
    else Result := 'xxx';

    procedure TPrintForm.ppHeaderBandBeforePrint(Sender: TObject);
    GrayBar := false;

    procedure TPrintForm.ppDetailBandBeforePrint(Sender: TObject);
    // Here i can determine if my TList.Item should print or not.
    if TestBit(SetupForm.DriverMatrix,
    TourForm.TourList.Items[ppJITPipeline.RecordIndex].ImageIndex) then
    // Item should print. I alternate the color of the DetailBand for better
    if GrayBar
    then ppGrayBar.Brush.Color := clLightGray
    else ppGrayBar.Brush.Color := clWhite;
    GrayBar := not GrayBar;
    else begin

    // Item should NOT print

    This method however does not work. I get more records than i want. It looks
    like the records i want to skip get printed sometimes. I still have to do
    investigation about which record are not skipped correctly...

    Maybe i should return to my inital idea that was:

    - Counting how many TList items i want to print
    - Assign that count to ppJITPipeline.RecordCount
    - Retrieve the index of the next valid item while printing. This is,
    where i need that event that fires once for every band before
    calling "GetFieldValue".

    Regards, Jens
  • edited February 2003

    I don't see from you code why you shouldn't be able to prepare the JITPipeline before printing - as you mentioned at end.
    BTW, you could simplify the code in the 'GetFieldValue' event. I would use a stringlist to lookup the subitem's index.
    You'd better compare (field)names in (ANSI)uppercase to avoid any notation issues.

    Chris Ueberall;
  • edited February 2003
    Hi Chris,

    Ok, according to my first idea i do the following:

    - I traverse my TList and count all the Items i want to print

    - I assign that count to 'ppJITPipeline.RecordCount' and
    call 'ppReport.Print'

    - I have a special function called 'NextValidItem' that
    finds the next ItemIndex of my TList that i want for

    - In 'ppJITPipelineGetFieldValue' i use a global integer
    'CurrentIndex' to access my TList.Item

    Question: Where do i call 'NextValidItem' to assign its result
    to 'CurrentIndex'?

    'BeforeGenerate' and 'BeforePrint' of the DetailBand get
    called _after_ the corresponding calls to 'ppJITPipelineGetFieldValue'.

    On the other hand, it looks much easier and straight forward
    if i assign the total ItemCount to 'ppJITPipeline.RecordCount'
    and could just skip whatever i want during printing...

    So the real question is: How do i skip records with a

    Regards, Jens

    Dynamo Software | www.dynamo-software.de | Deutschland
    Jens-Erich Lange | phone 04551-967755 | Germany
    Kurhausstrasse 63 | fax 04551-967766 | Allemagne
    23795 Bad Segeberg | mobile 0170-4072996 | Schleswig-Holstein
  • edited February 2003
    Hi Jens-Erich Lange,

    I would not only count the items, I would delete the unnecessary items!
    If you can't delete them use another list and store the items of interest there.

    Chris Ueberall;
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