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Webtier Viewer Frame Print, Excel and PDF buttons

edited June 2010 in Server
1. Now that Report Builder has the ability to export to Excel and PDF
natively on version 12 (great work!), is it possible to customize the
Webtier Viewer Frame to include Excel and PDF buttons without the use of 3rd
party software?

2. The property WebTier.ViewerSettings.ToolbasOptions.tbPrint = True, but
yet I do not see any print button on the Webtier Viewer Frame. Any idea what
I am missing?



  • edited June 2010
    I did not check all of the demos. But at the top of the ISAPI demo you will
    find that the RB PDF export is included by default.

    {$DEFINE DEFAULT} {add/remove an 'x' to enable/disable RB's Default PDF
    {x$DEFINE WALER} {remove the 'x' to enable Waler PDF support}
    {x$DEFINE PRAGNAAN} {remove the 'x' to enable Pragnaan PDF support}





    There is an example of adding an XLS button installed to RBServer
    Demos\WebTier\Custom Viewer. The example needs to be updated to support the
    RB XLS export, we will do this for RB 12.01. Eventually it would be nice to
    have the webtier.ViewerSettings.ToolbarOptions include an option for XLS.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2010
    Adding the rsWebAdapterPDF to the uses clause worked. The print button now
    displays on the viewer and I am able to go straight to the PDF view by
    replacing the parameter content=viewer with content=PDF on the URL

    I agree with you that adding the XLS option to the ToolbarOptions would be
    really nice. I think that the Report's 'Print to File' option must be set to
    true as well in order for the viewer's XLS button to be visible. (Pardon my
    ignorance if this is already so when using the pragnaan plug-in.)


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