The WebTier ini-file is read just after the OnCreate event fires. It is only read when IniSettings.Enabled is True and the file exists. The IIS process that loads the ISAPI dll will need security access rights to read the file.
The IIS host process is responsible for loading/unloading the ISAPI dll. This varies by IIS version and configuration.The latest IIS versions have an ‘application pool’ process that can be restarted via the IIS manager. If you are unsure as to whether you are forcing an unload, you can try rebooting the machine or launch the services administrator and restart the world wide web publishing service.
You can either manually create the .ini file or at Delphi design-time one can be generated by closing the WebModule. When the WebTier is destroyed it will create the ini-file, if IniiSettings.Enabled is True and a FileName is specified. There is no ini-file creation at run-time.
- Nard Moseley Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley Digital Metaphors
The IIS process is loading the dll, and i can't see that it would need any other access rights to read the ini-file. I have set the access rights on the ini-file to ALL on all users. I have set the ini-file path to the same as the dll, so that shouldn't be the problem.
I have restarted the publishing service but that did not help. Is there no way i can get the webtier to tell me why it won't load the ini-file?
You should consider a write to the logfile if the reading of ini-file fail. Or am i the only one who don't get this working. In my rbserver installation there is a Source folder which is empty. Does the rbServer come with source? Then i could probably put in some code myself to se what happens when it attempts to load ini-file.
I can hardcode the values int the webtier for now, just to make the customer happy. But i would really like to solve this.
Please, any other suggestions of what i should try?
There are no known issues with the ini file feature.
Here is some simple test code you can try from the WebTier.OnCreate event. This code simulates what the webtier is doing. (The WebTier is reading up all the values from the ini file, but you get the idea).
procedure TWebModule1.rsWebTier1Create(Sender: TObject); var lIniFile: TIniFile; lsCacheDirectory: string; lsWebCachePath: string; lsWebModuleURI: string; begin
if rsWebTier1.IniSettings.Enabled and (rsWebTier1.IniSettings.FileName <> '') and FileExists(rsWebTier1.IniSettings.ResolveFileName) then begin
read when IniSettings.Enabled is True and the file exists. The IIS process
that loads the ISAPI dll will need security access rights to read the file.
The IIS host process is responsible for loading/unloading the ISAPI dll.
This varies by IIS version and configuration.The latest IIS versions have an
‘application pool’ process that can be restarted via the IIS manager. If you
are unsure as to whether you are forcing an unload, you can try rebooting
the machine or launch the services administrator and restart the world wide
web publishing service.
You can either manually create the .ini file or at Delphi design-time one
can be generated by closing the WebModule. When the WebTier is destroyed it
will create the ini-file, if IniiSettings.Enabled is True and a FileName is
specified. There is no ini-file creation at run-time.
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
The IIS process is loading the dll, and i can't see that it would need any
access rights to read the ini-file. I have set the access rights on the
ini-file to
ALL on all users. I have set the ini-file path to the same as the dll, so
shouldn't be the problem.
I have restarted the publishing service but that did not help. Is there no
way i can get the
webtier to tell me why it won't load the ini-file?
You should consider a write to the logfile if the reading of ini-file fail.
Or am i the only
one who don't get this working. In my rbserver installation there is a
Source folder which
is empty. Does the rbServer come with source? Then i could probably put in
some code
myself to se what happens when it attempts to load ini-file.
I can hardcode the values int the webtier for now, just to make the customer
happy. But i would really
like to solve this.
Please, any other suggestions of what i should try?
Best regards,
There are no known issues with the ini file feature.
Here is some simple test code you can try from the WebTier.OnCreate event.
This code simulates what the webtier is doing. (The WebTier is reading up
all the values from the ini file, but you get the idea).
procedure TWebModule1.rsWebTier1Create(Sender: TObject);
lIniFile: TIniFile;
lsCacheDirectory: string;
lsWebCachePath: string;
lsWebModuleURI: string;
if rsWebTier1.IniSettings.Enabled and (rsWebTier1.IniSettings.FileName <>
'') and FileExists(rsWebTier1.IniSettings.ResolveFileName) then
lIniFile := TIniFile.Create(rsWebTier1.IniSettings.ResolveFileName);
lsCacheDirectory := lIniFile.ReadString('WebTier', 'CacheDirectory',
lsWebCachePath := lIniFile.ReadString('WebTier', 'WebCachePath',
lsWebModuleURI := lIniFile.ReadString('WebTier', 'WebModuleURI',
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors