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EReportBuilderError, Cannot display report, timeout has expired

edited January 2012 in Server
Delphi 6, RB Server 11.08

A customer is reporting that every few days or so, a request for a web
report causes the entire web site to hang and the service cannot be
restarted, and so a server reboot is required. It can then run fine for a
few days and then happen again.

The log file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Server Error: Processing request for report SelfServicePayslip\1
EReportBuilderError, Cannot display report, timeout has expired.

Connection timed out.

The webtier contains no database connectivity components, and the timeout
settings are left at the default values.

The report server executable has the Server timeout set to 120 seconds, all
other values are the defaults. We are using ODBCExpress which has no timeout

Are there any areas which you could recommend that we look at to see what
could be causing this intermittent timeout issue?

(We are trying to find out whether it happens on all reports or just one).



  • edited January 2012
    EReportBuidlerError exceptions should not cause the server to hang. They are
    handled exceptions that are logged, but that is all.

    Here is an rbWiki article that discusses all settings related to TimeOut...


    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2012
    Thanks Nard. I had already read that article which is why I went looking at
    those settings. I guess we'll just have to keep investigating.



  • edited February 2012
    Our software was uninstalled and reinstalled which initially seemed to
    resolve the issue. However, within a couple of weeks, it has happened again.

    I was wrong about the server hanging - it is the RB Service that is hanging,
    but it cannot be stopped or restarted, and so the server has to be rebooted.

    I will email directly as I have attachments from the customer.


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