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AutoSearch parameters for WebTier request.

edited February 2012 in Server
Hello Support,

The report as attached is saved in my database.
It contains two pipelines, one is used as a parameter for the other.

When it is requested by the windowscliënt it runs, but when requested by the
web-cliënt I get an error:
Server Error: Processing get AutoSearch parameters request for Report
Explorer Database\All Reports\765

The parameterstring to call the report contains:

http://www.digital-metaphors.com:8080/Server/Web_Tier/Execute_Specified_Report I
found a remark about Parameter 'newsearch=T' followed by the autosearch
paramaters, but at when requesting the report I have no idea about the
contents of this report.

The WebTierCom fails when rsWebTier.RequiresAutoSearchParameters(Req) is

How do I need to format my parameterstring in order to enable
autosearchparameters, but without knowing then?

Met vriendelijke groet,

André Konijnendijk
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