Finding The Crash of TeeChart
We have over 200 reports running in RB and are very satisfied off the
But meanwhile our management wanted Graphs on the reports.
I've already posted several mails on the problem of my crashing environment.
By a suggestion of Nard on a other issue i started developing @ runtime and
added ...\Source before the ...\Lib.
All this in order to be able to find where the general exception occured.
I make it crash, but after pressing the ok on the message my call stack
window is empty and delphi doesn't jump to any source code.
I suppose that the great reply will be ok, then to problem is outside of RB
but how can i trace/find what the hell is going on.
This chart-demand (ok, they are the managers) is putting my RB in serious
doubt and i would not prefer switching to another system.
Please, feel free to suggest anything.
But meanwhile our management wanted Graphs on the reports.
I've already posted several mails on the problem of my crashing environment.
By a suggestion of Nard on a other issue i started developing @ runtime and
added ...\Source before the ...\Lib.
All this in order to be able to find where the general exception occured.
I make it crash, but after pressing the ok on the message my call stack
window is empty and delphi doesn't jump to any source code.
I suppose that the great reply will be ok, then to problem is outside of RB
but how can i trace/find what the hell is going on.
This chart-demand (ok, they are the managers) is putting my RB in serious
doubt and i would not prefer switching to another system.
Please, feel free to suggest anything.
This discussion has been closed.
Support, as suspected, the crash happens in the Tee software, but ...... if
this might be any help to you, as the problem starts in a destroy ....
006783e4 aReport.exe TeeProcs TTeeCustomShapeBrushPen.Repaint
00681fc8 aReport.exe TeEngine TMarksItems.Clear
00682a42 aReport.exe TeEngine TSeriesMarks.Clear
006867dd aReport.exe TeEngine TChartSeries.ClearLists
0069c061 aReport.exe Series TPieSeries.ClearLists
006867f0 aReport.exe TeEngine TChartSeries.Clear
00683abc aReport.exe TeEngine TChartSeries.Destroy
0069b1ca aReport.exe Series TCircledSeries.Destroy
0069c010 aReport.exe Series TPieSeries.Destroy
0044f272 aReport.exe Classes 9853 TComponent.DestroyComponents
0044ef83 aReport.exe Classes 9757 TComponent.Destroy
00533b39 aReport.exe ppComm 460 TppCommunicator.Destroy
0053a558 aReport.exe ppRelatv 165 TppRelative.Destroy
00593471 aReport.exe ppPrnabl 848 TppPrintable.Destroy
005d04c7 aReport.exe ppClass 9244 TppComponent.Destroy
0057a4aa aReport.exe ppCtrls 1360 TppCustomComponent.Destroy
0069eee0 aReport.exe ppChrt 311 TppCustomTeeChart.Destroy
00403c00 aReport.exe System 8393 TObject.Free
005cc470 aReport.exe ppClass 5807 TppBand.Destroy
005720b2 aReport.exe ppBands 3270 TppCustomBand.Destroy
0056f80b aReport.exe ppBands 928 TppBasicBand.Destroy
00403c00 aReport.exe System 8393 TObject.Free
005c9f8e aReport.exe ppClass 3812 TppCustomReport.FreeBandsAndGroups
005c825d aReport.exe ppClass 2378 TppCustomReport.Destroy
00403c00 aReport.exe System 8393 TObject.Free
0055d0ba aReport.exe ppSubRpt 469 TppSubReport.Destroy
00403c00 aReport.exe System 8393 TObject.Free
005cc470 aReport.exe ppClass 5807 TppBand.Destroy
005720b2 aReport.exe ppBands 3270 TppCustomBand.Destroy
0056f80b aReport.exe ppBands 928 TppBasicBand.Destroy
00403c00 aReport.exe System 8393 TObject.Free
005c9f8e aReport.exe ppClass 3812 TppCustomReport.FreeBandsAndGroups
005c825d aReport.exe ppClass 2378 TppCustomReport.Destroy
0056275a aReport.exe ppReport 865 TppReport.Destroy
00403c00 aReport.exe System 8393 TObject.Free
00599452 aReport.exe ppTmplat 2148 TppReportTemplate.LoadEnd
0063303e aReport.exe ppDsgner 3429 TppDesignerWindow.RestoreReportState
00632d5c aReport.exe ppDsgner 3303 TppDesignerWindow.SetPreviewPageActive
006327b1 aReport.exe ppDsgner 3120 TppDesignerWindow.SetPageActive
00632601 aReport.exe ppDsgner 3023 TppDesignerWindow.pgcDesignerChanging
00482562 aReport.exe ComCtrls 4239 TCustomTabControl.CanChange
0048336f aReport.exe ComCtrls 4597 TCustomTabControl.CNNotify
004b8043 aReport.exe Controls 4645 TControl.WndProc
00450664 aReport.exe Classes 10966 StdWndProc
77d45c8f user32.dll DefWindowProcA
77f5a7e8 ntdll.dll RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString
004b7d4e aReport.exe Controls 4552 TControl.Perform
004bbf14 aReport.exe Controls 6388 DoControlMsg
004bc723 aReport.exe Controls 6579 TWinControl.WMNotify
004b8043 aReport.exe Controls 4645 TControl.WndProc
004bcc8f aReport.exe Controls 6737 TWinControl.WMSetCursor
004b8043 aReport.exe Controls 4645 TControl.WndProc
004bbd52 aReport.exe Controls 6342 TWinControl.WndProc
004d6b1c aReport.exe Forms 3097 TCustomForm.WndProc
004bb924 aReport.exe Controls 6237 TWinControl.MainWndProc
00450664 aReport.exe Classes 10966 StdWndProc
77f75da0 ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
77d454af user32.dll SendMessageW
773481ad comctl32.dll #342
77d45f6e user32.dll CallWindowProcA
004bbe98 aReport.exe Controls 6369 TWinControl.DefaultHandler
004b83ab aReport.exe Controls 4734 TControl.WMLButtonDown
00484bae aReport.exe ComCtrls 5344 TPageControl.WMLButtonDown
004b8043 aReport.exe Controls 4645 TControl.WndProc
004bbd52 aReport.exe Controls 6342 TWinControl.WndProc
004bb924 aReport.exe Controls 6237 TWinControl.MainWndProc
00450664 aReport.exe Classes 10966 StdWndProc
77d4436f user32.dll DispatchMessageA
004de858 aReport.exe Forms 6872 TApplication.ProcessMessage
004de89f aReport.exe Forms 6891 TApplication.HandleMessage
004deb3a aReport.exe Forms 6975 TApplication.Run
0072546e aReport.exe aReport 21 EntryPoint